Elder, David “Doc” Kenser, gives us a daily reflection and devotion.
Can you imagine being thankful for the worst thing that ever happened to you? Seriously, could you take what has been a terrible loss and muster up a thankful spirit for having had the experience? Doesn’t even seem to make sense, does it? We are, hopefully, grateful for the blessings of life, but the curses? And, yet, that is exactly what we are called to do, to be”always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph 5:20).
Giving thanks for everything, not just some things – giving thanks for the terrible and the terrific? Really? Really! However, it might help if we reframed what we consider to be a “curse” and see it has a gift or opportunity instead. Jesus’ brother, James, writes, “Consider it pure joy…whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance….that you may be mature and complete…” (1:2-4).
What happens in this world to God’s children does not have the same meaning as it does to those outside the body of Christ, for the Bible assures us that “God works for the good of those who love him” (Rom 8:28). Every experience a follower of Jesus has brings him closer to being with Christ. Every good thing is a blessing to encourage us and every hardship is a challenge to strengthen us.
What happens in this life is not a permanent condition but a transitory part of our journey home. And, as long as we arrive home, the journey was successful. Crossing the mountains is as much a part as passing through the valleys. Some parts of the journey are more difficult than others, but all part of the journey led home if that is where you wound up.
And, when we are following in the steps of Jesus together, even the death of a loved on is not a curse, that loved one is safe in the arms of Jesus. It is a difficult part of the journey for we that are left behind but it is a tremendous blessing for our loved one to be given an early assist home. We will miss them now, but be rejoined with them later in Glory that they have already been experiencing.
A loss of a job can result in the gain of new opportunities to serve God more faithfully. A loss of health may produce a better perspective of life and it’s terminal reality. A loss of money may help to bring us needed humility. But whatever the loss and whatever the gin, if we are faithful, we are making progress to our home, which is the point.
Don’t just get through, get thankful. Enjoy every sweet thing God allows and embrace every sour thing as well in gratitude, knowing God is good all the time and all the time, God is good. If you. Are in Christ, your life is in his hands. And, he will deliver you. Jus’ Say’n.