Stairway to Heaven

Elder, David Kenser, shares a daily reflection and devotion.   The year was 1971, I was 16 driving a 1960 Ford I had worked three months in the wheat fields to afford.  It wasn’t much but it had shackle lifts on the rear end and an eight-track player I had...

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Elder, David Kenser, shares a daily reflection and devotion!   In the Old Testament, under the Mosaical Dispensation,  the Israelites practiced the Levitical system of sacrifices wherein they would offer up bulls and goats and sheep.  They began to believe that God desired and even needed on some level those...

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Time to Shine

Elder, David Kenser, shares a daily reflection and devotion.   I’ve read that “He who burns the candle at both ends is not as bright as he thinks he is.”  Ouch!  I resemble that statement as an elder with a full-time plus job of hospice chaplain/veteran service coordinator.  My time...

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Elder, David Kenser, shares a daily reflection and devotion.   Years ago, in California, I knew a preacher who left his wife of 25 years to hook up with a 25 year-old.  His defense for his decision was, “God jut wants me to be happy.”  Really?  Is that indeed what...

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Hidden Things

Elder, David Kenser, shares a daily devotion and reflection.   I’ve heard people say that they are glad they made the mistakes before the Internet Era, which perhaps begs for a new age designation B.I.E (before Internet Era).  And, it is certainly true that mistakes being made today and posted...

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Elder, David Kenser, shares a daily devotion and reflection.   It’s very popular in this generation to go about with earplugs in, listening to one’s favorite music.  Weather mowing the lawn, jogging or just walking to wherever they may be going.  It adds to one’s personal experience but at the...

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Elder, David “Doc” Kenser, shares a daily devotion and reflection.   In ancient times, farmers would broadcast their seed by hand, which allowed some of it to fall on rocky, uncultivated ground as well as the finely cultivate, good soil.  The result was crop that grew up quickly but because...

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